Wednesday, November 5, 2008

yG bArU DaRi BBC

ada brita bru nie...skrg d BBC udh ada ruang multimedia..dstu kmu belajarnya pake LCD nd Komputer so pzti kmu pzti lbih ngerti d bnding blajar lwt buku...scara gt kmu blajarnya online jd kmu bkal dpt lbh byk tw gmn asiknya??mndngan skrg kmu lngsung daftarkn dri kmu d BBC Learning Centre jl.Sei Serayu No.41 ato tlp k 4569771..ok

1 comment:

susi said...

my name is Susi Metzner. I'm German and I lived in Medan from 1993 to 1995. At this time I had contact to the former teachers of BBC Medan. Are there still any theachers of this time in the school?
I'm especially searching for Anifiati Jacub. She lived in Jl. Pelikan 5... I lived in Jl. Belat 27. Ani must be around 40 years old now. I would like to get back in contact to her. I'm worried because her family is from Banda Aceh... I do not know if she's still alive or not. Maybe you could help me. Any information would be great.
My Email Address is:
Looking forward to hear from you.
Kind regards